AktiBiz – social entrepreneurship association for a stable community


Program: European Social Fund: OP Effective Human Resources 2014-2020, Strengthening the Business of Social Entrepreneurs - Phase I

Lead Partner: Association for the Promotion of Ecological Food Production, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development "Eko-Zadar"

Duration of the project: 12.03.2021. – 12.03.2023.

Project budget: HRK 938,219.95 (EU co-financing is 85%, i.e. HRK 797,486.96)


  • Zadar County Rural Development Agency
  • Association "Prospero"

Objectives of the project:

To improve the professional and business skills of the employees of the "Eko-Zadar" association so that the association transfers business according to social-entrepreneurial principles and thus paves the way for CSOs in the area of Zadar County.

By increasing the visibility of social entrepreneurs, strengthen citizens' awareness of social entrepreneurship as a generator of sustainable community development

Expected results of the project:

With the help of AGRRA's partner and the association "Prospero", the association "Eko-Zadar" will create a social-entrepreneurial example of good practice applicable to other associations as well. The implementation of the activity will strengthen citizens' awareness of social entrepreneurship as a generator of sustainable community development, all with the goal of expanding the model of social entrepreneurship in Zadar County. An informal network of social entrepreneurs will be established as a virtual place for the exchange of knowledge and experience among existing social entrepreneurs in the Republic of Croatia, as well as a place of support and advice for those interested in becoming a social entrepreneur.

AktiBiz_vodoravni lenta esf